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Close up shot of pipettes hanging on shelf
Publication - Tchasovnikarova

A tale of two HUSH complexes: defending cells against invading retroelements

July 15, 2024

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Fly vials in St Johnston lab
Publication - St Johnston

Spectraplakin binds a specific type of actin during oocyte fate formation

April 2, 2024

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A specimen illuminated by fluorescent light on microscope stage in St Johnston lab
Publication - St Johnston

Implementation of a two-mirror scanning system enables fast volumetric imaging with a tilted light-sheet produced by a single objective on a fully functional commercial microscope base

March 15, 2024

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Publication - Simons

Self-tuning of plasma cell lifespan by competition controls humoral immune memory

March 5, 2024

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Germinal vesicles dissected from Xenopus meiotic oocytes containing potent factors to reprogram somatic cell nuclei.
Publication - Gurdon

Unlocking the potential for clinical application of reprogrammed somatic cells by germinal vesicles from Xenopus meiotic oocytes

March 1, 2024

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Surani Lab - Freddy Wong at microscope and green screen
Publication - Surani

A groundbreaking method to study human neurodevelopment and disease

February 26, 2024

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Fluorescence micrographs of frog growth cones before and after treatment with Cdc42 inhibitor, CASIN, showing membrane marker colour-coded by time.
Publication - Gallop

TOCA-1 drives filopodial protrusion during neuronal development

The dynamics of neuronal filopodia

February 7, 2024

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Human primordial germ cell-like cells (yellow) co-cultured with human hindgut organoids (magenta/cyan).
Publication - Surani

Human primordial germ cell-like cells develop in human hindgut organoids

Human primordial germ cell and hindgut organoid co-culture to study early development.

February 1, 2024

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Human primordial germ cells in developing gonads
Publication - Surani

Advances in the in vitro derivation of human gametes bring hopes, but raises questions

November 14, 2023

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